The Right to design: Bass culture, cities, and hidden histories

Evenemanget är tyvärr inställt!
Välkommen till ett lunchsamtal kring de underliggande design- och arkitekturhistorierna inom den brittiska Soundsystem-kulturen, djungel-, grime- och drillmusik. Ett samtal mellan författaren Caspar Melville och Onkar Kular, professor i design vid HDK-Valand.
Samtalet är en del av ett program som sker på flera ställen i Göteborg. Observera att samtalet hålls på engelska.
A programme of events examining how diasporic musical cultures both in the UK and Sweden have remapped and reorganised its cities from the ground up. The programme draws together two recent publications It’s a London Thing, How Rare Groove, Acid House & Jungle remapped the city by Caspar Melville and Tillbaka till underjorden 80/90-talens klubbrevolution i Sverige by Anna Gavanas & Anna Östrom to examine and foreground spatial histories and cultural production that often goes overlooked in mainstream accounts of these musical genres. The programme will further consider how we might relate and situate these histories to the ongoing urban development taking place in Gothenburg and beyond.
The programme will bring together a range of cross disciplinary practitioners and cultural organisations including HDK Valand, Academy of Art & Design, Göteborgs Litteraturhus, Röhsska Museum & Pustervik.
Bass Culture, Cities and Underground Histories 25th May 2023 – From noon till late
A day of events examining how the musical cultures of Rare Groove, Acid House, Jungle and Grime have redesigned and remapped Swedish and UK cities from the underground up. The events bring together two recent books, Tillbaka till underjorden (Back to the underground) by Anna Gavanas, Anna Östrom and It’s a London Thing by Caspar Melville to centre spatial histories, autonomous designing and social production that often goes overlooked in mainstream accounts of these musical cultures.
Making Bass Culture, 12.00-13.00 hrs, Röhsska Museum
Author Caspar Melville joins Professor Onkar Kular in conversation around the collective and creative histories of Jungle, Grime and Sound Systems in the UK.
Walking Through Sonic History, 13.30hrs, tour departs from Röhsska Museum
Oral history tour with special guests connecting some of the key locations of Gothenburg’s underground culture. The tour departs at 13.30hrs from outside the main entrance of the Röhsska Museum, through the Haga district and ending at the public square, Järntorget.
Talking Back to the Underground, 19.00hrs, Pustervik, Upper Floor
DJ’s and authors Anna Gavanas & Anna Östrom join Caspar Melville in conversation focusing on the importance of club venues, sonics and underground culture as counter-practices to urban gentrification.
Playing the Underground Ting! 20.00hrs till late, Pustervik
An evening revisiting some of the essential Rare Groove, Acid House, Jungle and Grime tracks with special guests.
The programme has been organised by The Right to design platform in collaboration with Göteborgs Litteraturhus, Röhsska Museum & IASPIS. The event has been kindly supported by Göteborgs Slöjdförening.
Foto: Dave Swindells.