Designdagarna: Seasonal Clothing for a Tiny House on Wheels

During the Röhsska Design Days the research project Holding Surplus House visits Gothenburg, connecting architecture, sustainability, design methods and textiles for a two hour workshop.
What if houses would be dressed up to be warmer in winter, wear a jacket in which insects can hibernate or if the insulation indoors could be worn by people too?
In this workshop we will experience different clothings for the Tiny House that have been made at the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås just some days prior to this workshop. The seasonal clothing explores relationships between sun, wind, and householders.
We invite you to engage in dressing up, staging alternative everydays, making speculative drawings and reflecting through written scenarios.
We are bringing our Tiny House on Wheels to Röhsska Museum to engage with you in discussions about householding, sharing of resources and households with human and more- than- human neighbours. This workshop conceptually connects to the workshop ”Conversation with the Sun” the same day.
This is part of the artistic research project Holding Surplus House, Linnaeus University and Borås University funded by Formas. This workshop will be held in english.
Sign up for the workshop here.
Bildkälla: Svenja Keune.