Designdagarna: Conversation with the Sun

Are you interested to be part of our Research project on solar energy? Participate in this workshop session, where we will use designerly methods to explore together our relationship with the sun. The workshop will take a value-driven perspective to approach solar from another angle.
This session is part of a travelling workshop series, where each session hosts a theme that relates to one of the four seasons of the year. In line with the season, this session’s theme is ”winter, snow and reflections”. Design researchers Hayley and Fanny from RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) will guide you through a process that will give you the chance to relate to the sun both individually, and together with other participants that might share different perspectives.
The aim of the workshop series is to gather voices to start conversations about our relationship to the sun, and in that way gain new insights on how solar energy could be part of our lives. When it comes to technological solutions we often start with technological needs rather than our relational needs -with your help, this is our attempt to change that! Explorative design researchers: Hayley Ho and Fanny Lindh – both design researchers from RISE, Inclusive system innovation.
This workshop will be held in English.
Sign up for the workshop by sending an e-mail to Put ‘Workshop Sun’ in the e-mail headline, send your name, phone number and e-mail address. Please bring headphones that you can connect to your mobile phone, there will be some audio material provided during the workshop.
Photo: Fanny Lindh.