Föreläsningar & samtal – Visning

Public presentation: Clairvoyant Machines

Lör 15 mars 2025
13:00 – 14:00
Super Ö, Designhistorier
Included in the admission

Människors fascination för teknik står i centrum när fem teknologiska föremål från basutställningen Designhistorier undersöks. Resultatet blir en ny ljudguide, skapad i samarbete med konstnären Gloria López Cleries och MA Embedded Design på HDK-Valand, som ger en ny upplevelse av de teknologiska och digitala föremålen i utställningen. Ljudguiden kommer att finnas tillgänglig i Designhistorier från mars 2025.

Clairvoyant Machines is a museum intervention taking the form of an audio guide. We invite participants to experience the activation of the five objects of the collection through a live guided tour.

During the guided tour, participants will have the opportunity to hear the voices of five selected objects in the exhibition Designstories. We will present a live performance of the audio guide created under the title Clairvoyant Machines, and will guide you through the magic and shades of these devices.

For more information about Clairvoyant Machines.

About the participants

Clairvoyant Machines facilitator: Gloria López Cleries is an artist and lecturer at HDK-Valand. Her work critically examines questions about emotions, capitalism and technomysticism. The Embedded Design Master’s Programme is an education where aesthetics is centered in combination with collaboration while embracing systemic approaches to change, particularly sustainable change.

Teachers: Mills Dray and Samantha Hookway.

Participants: Xiujie Bi, Julia Anna Borowska, Simone De Vivo, Jouana El Khayat, Haymanot Fozzati, Matteo Guzzo, Romain Morelli, Clara Öhrfelt, Daniela Toledo Escárate, Kata Virág, Jingqi Zeng, Yiqiu Zhan.

Before your visit

Pre-registration is required.

Please notify us no later than the day before you plan to attend.

Email: foranmälan@rohsska.se