Belonging, who gets a place in the public space?

Välkommen till en inspirerande föreläsning på engelska med Charlotte Manning, författare och poet med bakgrund inom mode, PR och marknadsföring, och efterföljande paneldiskussion.
Welcome to a storytellingevent with Charlotte Manning, author, poet and moderator with a background in fashion, PR and marketing, followed by a panel discussion.
The event will include an inspiring storytelling lecture followed by a panel discussion that highlights the question “Belonging, who gets a place in the public space?” from a fashion perspective making space for voices that contribute in different ways to increased inclusion, perspectives and a sense of belonging.
Charlotte Manning is a creator with social commitment who builds and broadens spaces with storytelling as an art form. Through storytelling and poetry, she conveys compassionate communication, deeper community understanding and unfiltered storytelling that strengthens and contributes to community building and illuminates social issues and structures.
This event takes place in connection with the permanent exhibition Design Stories.
Headline/speaker: Charlotte Manning, author and poet with a background in fashion, PR and marketing.
Moderator: Nana Sacko, project manager Textile Movement Talent
Speakers in the panel discussion will be announced shortly.
In collaboration with Xperience Next, Textile Movement Swedish Fashion Council, Västra Götalandsregionen and Europeiska Unionen.
Limited number of seats, registration by emailing:
Please note that the lecture and the panel discussion will be held in English.