In the spirit of Anni Albers, Bauhaus weaver, designer and writer, this two-day symposium will focus on ways to make practice-based research public. Anni Albers is recognised as one of the first weavers who theorized weaving through the writing of essays as part of her work as a textile artist. Her influence continues to provide us with key references in textile research today.
A 4-meter wide loom will be placed in the Architecture Hall at the Röhsska Museum as the focal point of the Weaving Workshop Revisited. The loom will be activated through presentations throughout October.
October 8-9: Symposium
October 12 -18: WeavingLab
October 22-November 3: Lunch Weaving
The event is organised in collaboration with doctoral students from the Research School at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts at University of Gothenburg.
The Weaving Workshop Revisited have been kindly supported by:
Estrid Ericson Stiftelsen, Slöjdföreningens projektstipendium and the Research at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing arts at Gothenburg University.